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ASCIP’s 2020 Vision Annual Membership Meeting

Our Annual Membership Meeting Format Has Changed For This Year Dear Valued ASCIP Member: ASCIP’s mission and purpose is to assist our members safeguard against injuries, illnesses, accidents, and other hazards. Over the last week, ASCIP members have been assessing the rapidly-evolving developments surrounding the arrival of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California, seeking information and guidance from public health agencies and officials, and developing thoughtful and measured contingency plans to protect their students, staff, and communities.

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What You Should Know About AB 218

AB 218 was signed by Governor Newsome and becomes effective January 1, 2020.  In preparation, CAJPA has compiled some helpful tips on best practices and resources which are summarized below. What you should know: Broadens the definition of Abuse and Molestation to include “assault” Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault and Molestation (SAM) moves from age 26 to age 40, with a five-year statute for “recovered or repressed” memory from the time of discovery There is a three-year retroactive window opened by AB 218’s enactment that permits old claims to be revived. Treble Damages can be imposed if an effort to conceal can be proven.  These damages may not be covered, and may be the responsibility of the public entity to pay. Claims may pre-date the existence of the current risk pool.

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What Is Medicare for All?

Provided by John Whalley, Principal, Client Executive – Marsh & McLennan Agency Whether you follow politics or not, with the 2020 election cycle upon us, there is much debate about how to address health insurance nationally.  Generally speaking, the proposals aim to replace most current public and private health insurance with a new federal program that would guarantee coverage for all or nearly all US residents.  Coverage may include medical, dental, vision and/or long-term care and may eliminate deductibles, copayments and/or restrictive networks.  Proposals are supported by most Democrats and about half of Independents, with most Republicans opposing.

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