Why ASCIP Property & Liability

We Offer Broad Coverage. ASCIP is a non-profit, member-focused organization that often takes a customized approach when handling Property and Liability coverage needs. ASCIP looks for ways to partner with and supports its members, especially during challenging times. The Property and Liability (P&L) program is the foundation of ASCIP’s coverage for its members, offering broad and comprehensive first-party and third-party coverage.

We Provide Risk Management Services.  ASCIP invests between 5-7% of its premium expense in risk services activity, including safety/loss control services, education and training, and risk management consultation.  We make this investment because of our deep-rooted philosophy that good risk management practices result in a safer environment for our members’ students, staff, and the visiting public.  Therefore, ASCIP provides the majority of our risk management and loss control services free of additional costs.  This design optimizes membership participation, enabling members to seek our advice and assistance in handling pending issues without financial constraints.

We Are the Expert Claims Handling. Our program has a strong equity position to ensure that funds are available when claims arise. All Property and Liability claims are administered in-house by experienced ASCIP claims staff led by the Chief Claims Officer, an attorney who provides litigation oversight. Our teams of experts collaborate under one roof to seamlessly integrate underwriting, coverage analysis, legal advice, reserving, and access to risk resources without outsourcing.

Coverage Highlights


The ASCIP Property Program includes broad coverage for real and personal property, including buildings, office furniture and equipment, fine art, mobile and unlicensed equipment, Mechanical Breakdown, Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment.


The ASCIP Liability Program provides coverage for the following:

  • General Liability
  • Auto Liability
  • Errors & Omissions
  • Employment Practice Liability

Childhood Sexual Assault

The ASCIP Childhood Sexual Assault provides coverage for claims or allegations against members for a childhood sexual assault.

Cyber Liability

The ASCIP Cyber Liability coverage extends to both first and third-party claims, as well as expansive insurance and mitigation services for many of the costs associated with cyber-related claims.

Auto Physical Damage

The ASCIP Automobile Physical Damage coverage will pay for loss to a covered automobile or its equipment under comprehensive and collision.

Comprehensive Crime

The ASCIP Comprehensive Crime coverage includes:

  • Employee Dishonesty
  • Forgery or Alteration
  • Funds Transfer Fraud
  • Money and Securities

Features & Enhancements

The ASCIP Property and Liability Program offers a robust package to capture many potential exposures including:

Comprehensive Coverage Add-ons

Builders Risk Coverage

Builders’ Risk insurance covers property losses during the course of construction.  No matter the type of project, renovation, new construction or modernization, Builders’ Risk coverage is needed to protect the project, as well as the financial interests of the owner and contractors.  Overlooking this coverage can result in project stoppages and financial consequences for all parties involved.

Please contact our Insurance Operations Manager for additional information regarding any of the above ASCIP Coverages.

*All coverages are subject to policy terms and conditions and any applicable exclusions.

ASCIP-B Boosters

An optional group purchase insurance program that provides liability coverage (subject to the policy terms, conditions, and exclusions) for the operation of booster clubs and auxiliary groups which have been formed to support their district’s educational or extracurricular programs. Members secure this coverage for their booster clubs to ensure coverage is in place when events take place, simplify the process and hassle of collecting insurance verification for each group and are automatically named additionally insured. The coverage is affordable,  time-saving, and provides peace of mind.

$0 Deductible For General Liability per Occurrence
$1,000 Deductible For Third Party Physical Damage per Occurrence
$1,000,000 $1,000,000 each for Third Party Physical Damage and General Liability

Why Should Members Consider ASCIP-B?

ASCIP-B 2024-25 Booster Flyer

Complete the ASCIP-B Roster and return to ASCIP to assure coverage for your schools booster clubs.

ASCIP-B 2024-25 Roster Form – Fillable

To request a Certificate of Insurance for Booster Clubs which are covered by ASCIP B:

ASCIP-B 2024-25 Booster Foundation 24-25 Renewal Letter

ASCIP-B Foundations

An optional group purchase insurance program which provides liability coverage (subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy) for the operation of foundations which are not controlled or governed by the member, but have been formed to support their district’s educational or extracurricular programs.

$0 Member JPA District Deductible For General Liability per Occurrence
$1,000 Member JPA District Deductible For Third Party Physical Damager per Occurrence
$1,000,000 OneBeacon Insurance Company AXI ($1,000,000 each for Third Party Physical Damager and General Liability)

ASCIP-S Storage Tank Coverage (Above and Underground)

The Storage Tank program is an optional group purchase policy providing coverage for third-party claims and first party remediation costs which meets the state mandate for establishing financial responsibility.

Claims Management Services

What makes ASCIP unique is that we manage all Property and Liability claims from beginning to end. ASCIP’s Property and Liability Claims team investigates, evaluates, and resolves all claims on our member’s behalf. Our team is dedicated to providing our members with high-touch service while continuously adapting to the array of challenges school districts face today. The ASCIP Claims team has vast experience handling Public Entity losses.

We follow best practices in all aspects of claim handling, including communication, loss reserving methods, and litigation management. ASCIP has integrated solutions in place that produce a holistic approach for claims management while delivering a tailored approach for the specific needs of each district. When a claim is presented to ASCIP, members can relax knowing that the details of handling their claim are in good hands.

ASCIP has claim offices located in Northern and Southern California strategically placed to support the needs of our membership:

  • Cerritos, CA (corporate office)
  • Sacramento, CA

Claims Filing Process

As a valued member of ASCIP, it is imperative to understand how the claims filing process works to ensure that the best claim service is provided and handled expeditiously.

Property Claims
Immediate reporting plays a critical role in any claim, especially those claims involving property.  Report claims as soon as damage is discovered. Do not wait for damage repair estimates before reporting the claim. Do not begin repairs before a claims adjuster has had an opportunity to speak with your staff about how the damages were caused. The adjuster will evaluate whether any evidence will need to be secured for any recovery potential (subrogation). If there is a possibility of further damage before permanent repairs can begin, perform temporary repairs, e.g., board-up broken windows, protect property if exposed to rain, or get professional help if there is extensive water damage.

Liability Claims
If a person wishes to make a claim against your district for damages, provide them with your district’s claim form (see sample in Forms section). Inform the person that they must file the claim formally with your district’s office that accepts claims. It is important for all District representatives never to express opinions regarding cause, fault, or liability pertaining to any particular incident. Once a claim form has been received, your District representative will need to forward the claim to ASCIP for handling. A claim adjuster will provide further guidance on handling the matter thereafter.

For more information on the Government Code claims handling process, you can refer to ASCIP’s Claims Handling Guidelines:

How to Report a Claim with ASCIP

A member should not hesitate to contact ASCIP with any questions regarding any matter wherein a claim might be generated, or is thought to be forthcoming, whether Property or Liability related.

Report the claim to ASCIP using the following methods:

  1. E-mail: claims_info@ascip.org. This email address is monitored by the Claims Operations team on a regular basis.
  2. Telephone: Call ASCIP at (562) 404-8029 Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to be directed to the Claims Department.
  3. After-hours claim reporting, please contact:
    Noel Waldvogel, Claims Manager
    For Emergency after-hours claims call: (916) 591-3598

When members initially report a liability loss to ASCIP, please attempt to have the following information available for the adjuster:

  • Name, address, and telephone number of person sustaining injury or property damage
  • Name, address and telephone number of person reporting injury or property damage
  • Date the incident occurred
  • Time the incident occurred
  • Location, including street address, if applicable
  • Description of the injuries or property damage; include vehicle information, if applicable
  • Description of how the incident occurred
  • Names, addresses and telephone numbers of any witnesses
  • Name of law enforcement agency, if notified, report number or “DR#” if possible
  • Contact information for your District’s Risk Manager or equivalent
  • Any other relevant facts, including weather conditions, condition of shoes, clothing, etc.
  • If District equipment contributed to the cause of the injury, make sure that the equipment is secured and available so that ASCIP can inspect it.

Reporting Significant or Critical Incidents

For incidents that involve a fatality, hospitalization of a third party or have the potential to incur a large monetary loss, members must notify ASCIP immediately – don’t wait for the injured party to file a claim!  Also, members must report right away, or as soon as the member becomes aware of all claims, suits, incidents, or allegations related to childhood sexual assault. This includes:

  1. Arrest or criminal complaint;
  2. Investigation by the member, or any governmental agency;
  3. Verbal or written disciplinary action taken;
  4. Any matter reported to, or should have been reported to, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

You should always report a significant incident as soon as possible, even if you have little information about the facts surrounding the incident. In the case of a significant vehicle accident, always attempt to contact the local law enforcement agency as well. 

Claims Status Updates

For inquiries regarding claims submissions, status, or information please contact our main office to be directed to the appropriate adjuster.

Forms & Resources


  • You may call ASCIP at (562)404-8029 Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and be directed to the Claims Department
  • Please refer to the Claims Management section for more information.
  • All catastrophic losses (auto, property, earthquake, wildfire, etc.) must be reported to the claims department for further investigation. You should always report a significant incident as soon as possible, even if you have little information about the facts surrounding the incident. The claims department is the first point of contact for any and all incidents.
  • Please refer to the Claims Management section for more information.
  • Noel Waldvogel, Claims Manager
  • claims_info@ascip.org
  • (916) 591-3598
  • Please refer to the Claims Management section for more information

For inquiries regarding claims submissions, status, or information please contact our main office to be directed to the appropriate adjuster.

Members can choose from a variety of deductible options for various lines of coverage. Once selected, that amount will be displayed on your district’s annual Declaration Page, which is the first page of your Memorandum of Coverage (MOC). Please contact ASCIP for this information if you cannot locate your current copy.

ASCIP mails the Declaration page by August (for July 1 effective dates) of each year to each member’s primary contact. Additional copies can be requested by calling ASCIP.

ASCIP is a member owned pool instead of an insurance company. Therefore, traditional insurance policy numbers are not issued. Instead, ASCIP refers to its members by the name of the District and provides a short numeric code on each member’s Annual Declaration page.

ASCIP handles all reported claims under its respective MOC. ASCIP handles all claims through its own in-house claims team to investigate, evaluate, and resolve all claims on our member’s behalf. The claims team works closely with both the member district and the defense team to effect the best possible claim outcome. ASCIP has the benefit of having two claims offices to meet our member’s needs – one in Southern California and the other in Northern California.

The advantages of belonging to a large risk pool like ASCIP is that losses are spread among all members. While it is unlikely that a single loss, regardless of amount, will significantly impact any one member’s rates, multiple claims could impact a member’s experience modification factor and thereby, increase future premiums. Determining a member’s annual experience factor is a very specific mathematical calculation that is developed by an independent actuary in coordination with ASCIP’s financial team. For specific information on rate calculation, please contact ASCIP’s financial team.

ASCIP will work with its members on selection of counsel from its established Attorney Panel. This Panel has been vetted for its expertise in public education law, and public entity litigation defense. All Panel attorneys have agreed to Litigation Management Guidelines. Depending on the type of claim presented, ASCIP reserves the right to appoint specific Panel counsel to handle the matter. ASCIP is open to consider adding to its Attorney Panel, particularly when additional expertise or geographic coverage needs arise.

Claims made against public entities (including school districts) are governed by the California Government Code Section-Section 3. A claim relating to a cause of action for death or injury to person(s) or damage to personal property shall be presented not later than six months after the accrual of the cause of action. A claim relating to any other cause of action shall be presented no later than one year after the accrual of the cause of action. Note: there are exceptions for the types of claims being made. If you have a question regarding any claim, please contact ASCIP.

Government Tort Claims Act – A General Use Guideline

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