Sexual Abuse Prevention Program

ASCIP provides tools, resources, and trainings to support members with implementation of childhood sexual assault prevention efforts.

Child Anti-Assault Response & Education (CAARE) Program

The CAARE Program (Child Anti-Assault Response & Education) collaborates with districts to provide support, guidance, resources and programs dedicated to eliminating child sexual abuse.  One resource of the CAARE Program includes an on-call CAARE Incident Response Team to provide members with quick responses and support in the areas of legal expertise, human resources, public relations and incident recovery.  In addition, CAARE provides extensive training options for students and staff, resources for victims and a new campaign designed to send a message of empowerment to students of all grades.


KnowGO is a curriculum and tool kit designed to increase educators and districts ability to prevent childhood sexual abuse by providing students with the critical awareness, skills, and knowledge needed to protect themselves at school and online. The curriculum has been strategically designed to nurture age-appropriate, honest, transparent discussions of safety, promote trust in safe adults and build confidence in identifying unsafe situations. The engaging curriculum and activities increase awareness of grooming behaviors, boundary pushing and potential risky situations—which is key to the safety of our children. The curriculum may be incorporated interactively into the classroom, school-wide activities, and take home family exercises.  The combination of the dynamic, vibrant animations and engaging, insightful activities will facilitate a life changing experience for students grades 1-5.

Sexual Abuse Prevention Strategies and Resources

Sexual Abuse Prevention Program Partners

Community Matters

ASCIP has collaborated with Community Matters to provide members with a tool to build a more positive school climate where students experience safety, have healthy adult and peer relationships, and feel respected and empowered. All of which contribute to enhanced success, academically and socially-emotionally. The Inside-Out Approach is the foundation from which we build, develop, and deliver all our programs and services, and is comprised of four core elements: relationships, student-centered, restorative practices, and social norms change.

More information on Community Matters at

NASDTEC Clearinghouse

The NASDTEC Clearinghouse is a screening tool to help protect students. This database assists in identifying potential employees who may have a history of adverse actions and travel across state lines to continue working around students. It contains information from all 50 states and allows agencies to exchange names of individuals whose certificates, licenses, or similar credentials, have been denied, revoked, suspended, or otherwise adversely affected so that schools can screen applicants and employees.

More information on NASDTEC at


One innovative partner of ASCIP is Praesidium. Their mission is to prevent the sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and to preserve trust in respected organizations. For more than 30 years, Praesidium experts have worked to prevent sexual abuse. The Praesidium Safety Equation® is a framework of eight organizational operations that allows an organization to identify where abuse could occur. Using current research and root cause analyses of thousands of cases of abuse across a diverse range of organizations, they have identified best practices in each operation and developed solutions to help organizations implement these practices.

More information on Praesidium at


ASCIP partnered with WeTip 2.0 to provide members with an effective tool in aiding law enforcement in acting as a tip liaison and assist in providing information for investigations. Due to the nature of the WeTip anonymous reporting system, the safe reporting tools are used as a way for law enforcement to gather tips for open investigations and assist in crime mitigation and deterrence.

More information on WeTip at

Mandated Reporter Guidelines

Abuse Prevention Sample Board Policies

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