The increased reliance on technology has contributed to schools and colleges being subjected to an unprecedented number of sophisticated cyber-attacks. These wide-reaching attacks not only debilitate an organization’s core operating functions but can result in staggering financial costs at a level not previously seen. In response, ASCIP launched a program to assist members in responding to the evolving risk by educating members about the nature of the risk, benchmarking members’ current cyber risk management efforts, and encouraging cross-functional collaboration between members’ IT staff and other functional areas within their agencies. The program focuses on implementing best practices for multi-factor authentication, end-point security, network back-ups and so much more.  ASCIP significantly expanded its cyber security resources to include:

Cyber Education & Awareness

Cyber Risk & Vulnerability Assessments

Cybersecurity Incident Response Planning

IT Policy Templates, including Incident Response Plans

Phishing Campaigns

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